The Office of Student Health Benefits sends email notices about the Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) to students. Please choose plan year below to view notices.
2024-2025 Plan Year
SHBP Notices
- 09/24/24 Email: Welcome Notice
- 09/19/24 Email: Learning Abroad Enrollment Confirmation
- 09/18/24 Email: Dependent Re-Enrollment Confirmation
- 09/18/24 Email: International Student Waiver Submission
- 09/18/24 Email: International Student - Grad 999 Billed
- 09/17/24 Email: International Student Fall Waiver Approval
- 09/10/24 Email: Invalid HCD Submission 3
- 09/06/24 Email: International Student Grad 999 Waiver Submission
- 08/30/24 Email: Dental Buy-Up Enrollment Confirmation 1
- 08/26/24 Email: Invalid HCD Submission 2
- 08/22/24 Email: Invalid HCD Submission 1
Health Coverage Declaration Reminders
- 09/24/24 Email: HCD Reminder 5
- 09/19/24 Email: Learning Abroad HCD Reminder 1
- 09/17/24 Email: HCD Reminder 4
- 09/10/24 Email: HCD Reminder 3
- 08/29/24 Email: HCD Reminder 2
- 08/20/24 Email: HCD Reminder 1
2023-2024 Plan Year
SHBP Notices
- 08/16/24 Email: End of Spring 2024 Coverage Notice
- 08/05/24 Email: Dependent Re-Enrollment Notice
- 03/04/24 Email: Dental Buy-Up Special Enrollment Notice
- 02/23/24 Email: International Student BHS Fee Billed
- 02/09/24 Email: International Student Spring 2024 Waiver Approval 2
- 02/07/24 Email: Invalid HCD Submission
- 01/23/24 Email: International Student Spring 2024 Waiver Approval
- 01/23/24 Email: International Student Sponsored Waiver Approval
- 01/22/24 Email: Dependent Re-Enrollment Confirmation
- 01/19/24 Email: End of Fall 2024 Coverage Notice
- 01/04/24 Email: International Student Grad 999 Notice
- 12/29/23 Email: International Student Eligibility Correction
- 12/21/23 Email: Winter Break Resources
- 12/21/23 Email: Check Eligibility
- 10/23/23 Email: Twin Cities Boynton Pharmacy Benefit
- 10/23/23 Email: International Student BHS Billing
- 10/18/23 Email: Invalid HCD Submission
- 09/08/23 Email: Ineligible Notice
- 09/06/23 Email: Welcome Email
- 09/06/23 Email: International Sponsored Student Waive Approval
- 08/25/23 Email: International Student Dependent Enrollment Confirmation
- 08/14/23 Email: International Student Grad 999 Enrollment Confirmation
- 08/10/23 Email: Invalid HCD Submission
Health Coverage Declaration Reminders
- 02/07/24 Email: HCD Reminder 4
- 01/30/24 Email: HCD Reminder 3
- 01/23/24 Email: HCD Reminder 2
- 01/19/24 Email: HCD Reminder 1
- 09/20/23 Email: HCD Reminder 3
- 09/13/23 Email: HCD Reminder 2
- 09/06/23 Email: HCD Reminder 1