Residents, Fellows and Interns

The University of Minnesota offers health benefits crafted especially for residents, fellows, and interns. The University’s Office of Student Health Benefits coordinates the benefits and enrollment for healthdentaldisability, and life insurance. The Office of Human Resources administers the flexible spending accounts and voluntary retirement options.

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment for medical and dental plans is from May 1 to June 15, or within 30 days of your start date, whichever is later. During this time, you are able to make changes to your plans for the next plan year.

Open enrollment for flexible spending accounts is November 1 to November 30, and you must re-enroll each year.

To make changes in your benefit coverage after you are first eligible or outside of the annual open enrollment period, you must have a change in family or work status.

Contact Us

Contact the Office of Student Health Benefits with questions or to request a printed copy of plan brochures or forms.

Phone: 612-624-0627 or 1-800-232-9017
Fax: 612-435-4230 or 1-800-624-9881

  • Please note: Our office cannot currently receive faxed items. If you are unable to email documentation, please send it in the post mail.

Email: [email protected]
Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM & Thurs: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM